Does a loan lower your credit score? Does making student loan payments increase credit score? Can student loans be forgiven? Why do people use payday loan services? How long does it take to get a personal loan? Where can i get a loan fast? Are payday loans revolving? What is direct loan? Can ppp loan be used for rent? Can you get a loan at 18? What is payday loan relief? Can i get a home loan with fair credit? How to get a loan with fair credit score? How to get ppp loan forgiveness reddit? What is a ppp loans? Can i apply for ppp loan twice? What are the best student loans? How to lower interest rate on student loans? How much do loan processors get paid? How to apply for biden student loan forgiveness? How to get a quick loan with bad credit? Can i get a second fha loan? Can you refinance an fha loan? Can i get a 5000 loan with no credit? How can i get a loan online instantly? Are consolidation loans good? What is a leveraged loan? Do federal loans look at your credit score? How to become a loan officer in texas? Does a private loan show on credit report? 1. Yes, you can prepay Federal Student Loans at any time without penalty. You simply have to pay back what you owe before the loan is paid off. 2. No, you cannot prepay Federal Student Loans if you are currently enrolled in school. However, if you are not currently enrolled in school, you may still be able to prepay your loans. 3. Yes, you can apply for a consolidation loan. There are two types of consolidation loans: Direct Consolidation Loan and Income Based Repayment (IBR) Loan. A direct consolidation loan combines several different types of federal student loans into one loan while an IBR consolidation loan combines several different federal student loans into one. 4. Yes, you can consolidate your private student loans. Private student loans are generally not eligible for consolidation. However, some private lenders offer their own programs. Check out our website at http// for more information. Do credit unions give mortgage loans? Does taking out a personal loan help build credit? Can i qualify for a home loan with no credit? Are personal loans installment or revolving? How to remove name from ppp loan list? How to pay back ppp loan? How much auto loan can i afford? Can you get a personal loan with 530 credit score? How to apply for a small loan with bad credit? How much do student loans hurt your credit? Do credit unions offer commercial loans? How do payday loan companies verify bank statements? How many times can you use a va loan? How to market payday loans? Can payday loans file criminal charges texas? Does applying for personal loan hurt credit? What is a secured loan credit union? How can you get a house loan with bad credit? Do court usually garnish paycheck for payday loan wisconsin? Can you take out a student loan with no credit? Which credit bureau does car loans use? What is dscr loans? How to get a personal loan with low credit? Why are payday loans unethical? What do people do in states wihtout payday loans? How to claim maryland student loan debt relief tax credit? Where to get a car loan with poor credit? Is netcredit a payday loan? Can you use credit card to pay off loan? Is a payday loan default considered a civil judgement?